Thursday, May 29, 2008


Such a relaxed, fun, and BEAUTIFUL couple. David and Taylor, I'm so excited for what God has in store for your marriage. You both are very special, and we loved shooting your wedding! Check out their gallery!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another adventure

Rob and I had the amazing opportunity to join Carole in Kansas City, MO. We have 1 1/2 weeks to hang out with Carole and just soak in more and more of what is this amazing ministry that we serve. As an added bonus, we are a 1/2 mile away from IHOP.

At IHOP, prayer and worship never stops. We can go anytime of the day and be led in worship and prayer. It's incredible. Rob and I definitely needed this to be refreshed, get a vision for what we're doing, and also to be stretched.

And boy are we being stretched. As I meet person after person dedicated to the ministry at IHOP, I am left speechless. I have so much to learn with God, prayer, ministry, and my worldview. In my life so far, I haven't even scratched the surface of all there is in God. Listening to the stories of the sovereign move of God humble me, and I am inspired to learn and join what God is doing.

Monday, May 19, 2008


If I could be anything and it didn't depend on skill, talent, or education, I'd be a doctor or an opera singer.

If I could take on a new hobby, I'd dance.

If I could have an accent, I speak like a Scotsman. Scottish accents sound so friendly.

I'm not complaining about the ways God has blessed me. I'm simply looking outside of myself and appreciating what's out there. I think it would be very enjoyable to dance, sing opera, and fix people all with a Scottish accent.

Random thought: Martin Luther was one of the bravest people I've encountered in a long time. Can you imagine? He thought for himself and decided he was right and the rest of the world was wrong. He rebelled against a world-wide church, rule, and culture. What! Who does that? And it worked! Sheesh, just sheesh.

Monday, May 05, 2008


Jonathan and Kristy's wedding was so much fun - unique in so many ways. Hmmmm...just like them. Check out the gallery.

Breaking Free

Ok, this might seem a little dorky, but bear with me and love me anyway.

Last night the church service was all worship - no sermon. It was amazing and just what I needed. A small tangent - I really miss playing on the worship team and will probably be going back soon. But, it has been very very special to worship in the crowd. I feel so much more free to let go. I'm able to just soak up and pour out without thinking about playing notes, coming in on time, or hundreds of people watching me. It's been a blessing and maybe exactly the refreshment that I've needed before I start playing again.

Back to the service. Later in the service they started playing the song, "Break Free." You know, I've never really been a fan. It's about breaking free in worship especially in the area of dance. "Break free, get up and dance in his love, his love never ending." I want to get up and dance especially since the song tells me to. But, there's something about the beat or rhythm or something - I just can't dance to it. I don't claim to be an awesome dancer, but I can usually do a little something resembling dancing if I want to. Break Free - forget about it. It's impossible to dance to.

As I sang the song, I smiled to myself and thought, "Ya know, maybe I'll be able to dance to this song in heaven." Call it a coincidence, call it a miracle, but little by little I found the beat. Hmm. I broke free and danced - my version anyway. I thought it was kinda funny. It's almost as if God overheard me and gave me a little surprise present.