Monday, May 08, 2006

An update

So, I followed through on my committment to visit that lady in the nursing home. I brought up the time that she mentioned Jesus being the angel Michael. She didn't remember talking to me about that. But, I continued by asking her if she knew about Jehovah Witnesses. She said, "Oh yeah, they come and do Bible studies every Thursday. But, I don't go to those anymore."

I guess she wasn't being misled. I'm glad about that. It makes me sad that Jehovah Witnesses are in the nursing homes leading the elderly in Bible Studies. It's a smart move on their part because they definitely have a willing audience as it's probably one of the lonliest places on earth. These people are about to die and they are getting the last word in.

I guess the most logical thing to do in response is to start my own Bible study at the nursing home too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to hear about Jehovah's Witnesses exploiting the elderly,they "count their (field service) time" with a captive audience.Hopefully they are not after their financial assets.Best regards,Danny Haszard

10:57 AM  

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