Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another layer of grace

Pastor TJ wrote a blog about Pastor Matt and real relationships. When I read it, the thing that stood out to me were his comments about grace. I remember hearing Matt talk about grace a couple times throughout my office experience. I think his focus on grace and that being the key to real relationships is so true but very unrealized. I, for one, hadn't ever considered that concept before.

TJ wrote about Matt saying that everyone deserves the right to learn from their mistakes. To really live like that would be to set free the people I interact with day by day. People wouldn't have the pressure to be right the first time. They'd have the opportunity to grow in the real sense of the word. I'm inspired to set people free all around me by living with an attitude of grace.

I think I can apply that to myself as well and give myself the right and need to learn from mistakes. When I say the wrong thing or hurt someone, I will often obsess over it until I can convince myself it wasn't so bad. Sometimes I think that I convince myself that the more I mull it over in my mind increases the chance of it actually disappearing from history. But, maybe to grow means to be wrong at first and then get wiser through time and experiences. Interesting.


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