Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Confessions of a Pastor's Kid

I'm a pastor's kid, so my playground growing up was always my yard, the church parking lot, and the church, of course. Sad to say, my best friend, Valerie, and I were a little too micheivous at times. One time we were playing in the choir loft and broke this huge wooden stand. You know the official one that the choir director uses. That was a pretty serious offense, so instead of telling someone, we decided to fix it ourselves.

We got my mom's glue gun, plugged it in the only outlet about 10 yards away. We heated the gun and then ran over to the stand to glue the top back on. Yeah, the stand was way too heavy to bring over to the outlet. I told you it was serious. We left it repaired, but I'm sure it didn't stay on long. Anyways, people found out and my dad asked me if I broke it.

I didn't tell him then, but I'm too sensitive to let something like that I told my mom three months later.


Blogger Annie Els said...

I love it. Way to come clean.

5:53 PM  

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