Sunday, February 11, 2007

Speaking of demons...

(First, read my previous post)

I don't know if it's theologically correct that our worship makes demons want to flee. But, why not? It makes sense to me. I'm sure they don't enjoy it, so at the very least it bugs them.

In that way I see our worship on Sunday in yet another light. Definitely worship is first for God. He deserves it, deserves more of it, and it's even good for us to realize again who the focus should be on. But, now I see it as twofold. It's a ministry too, a ministry to the people around us who are being pestered, being distracted, or being told lies by demons.

When we're in church, truly focusing on God, and giving him as much glory as we're able, maybe...just maybe, that's helping our brothers and sisters out. Could our pure worship cause those demons to flee? I think so...or at least we can bug 'em and make them feel really unwelcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These two post have been Terrific; I gather fallen angels still try to hang around, but after a while of getting annoyed they go take a seat outside waiting to attack our hearts as we go out on our G-d Given ministries of Love & Truth in Christ. James 4:7 is definitely right on!

Blessings in Christ Sis

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to think so too. I could sure sense it last night at church.

10:30 PM  
Blogger JenniferKent said...

i think i agree...but then where do they go? maybe we should be worshipping with our all and simultaneously praying protection over the next person they decide to attack. just maybe.

1:59 PM  

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