Monday, January 23, 2006

To live is Christ, to die is gain

On Friday, Rob and I went to see the movie The End of the Spear. It was really good. I was very surprised. Usually, I watch a movie like that and want to go overseas the next day. This time I was able to watch the movie and enjoy it without needing to enter it. Although, that's probably because it told the story of five very extreme missionaries and their families, one of them being the more famous Elliot family (Jim and Elizabeth Elliot). Maybe that extreme of ministry isn't the thing I envy. The movie was about how they went to an unreached tribe in Ecuador to give them the good news of God's Son. But, this wasn't just any tribe; it was the most violent tribe recorded by anthropologists. They killed for anything. They even killed their own people for little reason.

I don't know the whole story, like why they were drawn to that tribe. I don't know if Rob and I missed that part because we walked in a bit late. But, obviously God just wanted that tribe to know about him and knew that those five families would be the ones who would be crazy enough to do it. As much as I want to, I'm not going to give the whole story away since you all will hopefully go see it. There was one line that stood out and has made me think a lot differently about myself, my safety, others, and eternity.

Right before the men are about to make face to face contact for the first time, Nate Saint's young son asks him, "If they attack you, will you shoot them?" Nate answers, "No, we won't shoot them. They're not ready for heaven yet. We are." To not defend yourself when you have every right to do so is simply not common sense. It's not even common sense for a Christian. But, I'm realizing that that's only common sense because U.S. law would allow an attacked person to defend himself with violence or even killing. Maybe that's not true, and I've just watched too many movies, but that's my understanding. Anyway, our culture has taught us that's ok. If you would've asked me four days ago if I'd shoot someone who's attacking me, I'd say yes. Why not? It's not my fault they're attacking me. I'm just defending myself.....But they're not ready for heaven. I am.

That rocks me and gives me a new sense of security all at the same time. Yeah, I don't want to die. But, if I have the choice of a murderer dying or me dying, it better be me because I'm ready and he's not. Wow. That's revolutionary.

Go see the movie. It's an amazing story of God's work in unlikely places. Also, go see it to give the entertainment industry the message that movies like this are worth putting in mainstream theaters. An even bigger incentive: half of the profit for the movie goes to help tribes like the one depicted in the movie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks leah, I didn't know that I was going to get my bible study this morning from you. I havnt seen the movie but that quote will stay with me forever. REVELUTIONARY! H

9:43 AM  

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