Thursday, May 31, 2007


I'm on a quest to discover God's passionate love for me. I believe it's a fact, but when it comes down to feeling it and living as a result of it...I begin to doubt. So, I started reading about Moses' life because I believe he had an incredible intimacy with God.

Today I read about the plagues, how God brought his people out of slavery with crazy miracles. Then once they were out, he led them with a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud in the sky. Then he caused the Egyptian army to pursue them JUST so that he could show another miraculous sign...parting a massive body of water with a dry path in the middle.

I realized something. God is willing to do huge things. He wants to show us his glory and power. He longs for us to trust him and know him. Here's the difference: Back then he did big things all the time, and few people paid attention. Now he does it only for those who want to see Him. He desires to show himself; but he cares more than we seek him as a precious jewel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this and reminding me of that. It put me on the verge of tears. I will be thinking of this all day. God is amazing.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great reminder, leah, thanks. He says he'll be found by those who really search for Him... and wants that kind of intimacy with us where we just hang out all day long with Him, remaining in him(john 15).

I can't wait to see what He shows you.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto the bear. You are a gift, Leah. Thanks for hooking up with one of our Number One Sons and becoming Sandals.

6:47 AM  

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