Monday, December 05, 2005

Lovin' Life

My favorite times with Mrs. Grams are the times when she is connecting to life and living it to the full. (Mrs. Grams is my elderly friend with Alzheimers). Obviously, she is always living, but there are times when I can tell that she realizes her potential and runs with it. These times usually happen after we watch a movie together, after we share a good ice cream, or when she's just plain in a good mood.

When Mrs. Grams is pursueing life, she's fiesty, affectionate, social, and always teasing people. She will go out of her way to touch a baby and tell the mother how beautiful the baby is. She'll see a man across the room and just know that she needs to tease him. The other day we were in McDonalds (her staple food), and she saw a man. She said, "Let's go over and say something to him." I said "What do you want to say?" She said, "I don't know, we'll think of something." She got the itch to tease and couldn't resist. I don't know what she said, but I do know that he was smiling when she walked away. Who couldn't smile?

We were in the mall once and before I knew what was happening, she walked off in the other direction. She walked directly in front of a man. This man was walking very brisk and vigorously. He definitely had a mission on his mind. Well, Mrs. Grams rammed into him with her shoulder. No, she didn't just bump into him on accident; she was meaning to tease him and get a friendly reaction out of him. He didn't quite know what to do with that encounter, gave her a astonished face, and kept walking toward his mission. Mrs. Grams came back to me with a smirk on her face. I said, "What were you doing?" She answered, "I don't know." But, from the look on her face I could see that she thought it was the funniest thing ever. I agree. It still makes me laugh out loud.

She's awesome.


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