Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What helps me

A few people have been writing about Matt's sermon on Sunday. The buzz has been over the point that we aren't all hands, eyes, or feet. We have our designated part of the body, and we have to get out of the way when the real hand steps up.

Yeah, it's hard, I agree. I don't enjoy finding people who are better at things than I am especially if it's something I like or think I'm good at. I want to be needed, special, the only one who can do it. It's envy and pride, and it definitely gets in the way.

When I struggle with these things, I don't think the solution is to let the hand be the hand while I discover what I'm really awesome at. Honestly, that's not going to help my envy and pride at all. If I'm supposed to be a foot, I'll be proud while I'm the only one and envious when the next foot comes along who's just as good or better. The goal isn't to be the best at even the things we are gifted at.

What I really need to strive for is to be the least in everything I do, lifting up everyone else around me. "[He] made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant."

Oswald Chambers asks, "Are you ready to be offered?"

Suppose God wants to teach you to say 'I know how to be abased.' -- are you ready to be offered up like that? Are you
ready to be not so much as a drop in the bucket--to be so hopelessly insignificant that you are never thought of again in
connection with the life you served? Are you willing to spend and be spent....Some saints cannot do menial work and
remain saints because it is beneath their dignity.

These are harsh words. But, it's funny because they make me feel better. When I'm feeling not good enough, this tells me that it's ok to be insignificant.

Hey, I'm not good at all this, it's just something I realize every once in a while and it puts me at peace for a bit while I continue to learn and grow.


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